Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Biting Bad - Chicagoland Vampires #8 - Chloe Neill

 I have recently found the Chicagoland Vampires Series by Chloe Neill and I've just finished book 8 Biting Bad here are my thoughts......

Synopsis - Merit has been a vampire for only a short while, but she's already seen a lifetime's worth of trouble. She and her Master, centuries-old Ethan Sullivan, have risked their lives time and again to save the city they love. But not all of Chicago is loving them back.

Anti-vampire riots are erupting all over town, striking vampires where it hurts the most. A splinter group armed with Molotov cocktails and deep-seated hate is intent on clearing the fanged from the Windy City come hell or high water.

Merit and her allies rush to figure out who's behind the attacks, who will be targeted next, and whether there's any way to stop the wanton destruction. The battle for Chicago is just beginning, and Merit is running out of time.

This is the eighth book in this series and I have devoured the previous seven books in just over a week, they are the type of books that you just can’t put down!!!

To be honest until recently apart from the Twiglit books I’ve never really been into the supernatural genre, I have kept my book choices to romance with a hint (or a lot) of smut, but I’m a convert (praise the lord lol). When supernatural and especially Vampire books are done well I fall in love with the characters, Christ this series has me questioning “are they out there??” and if someone offered me the choice of becoming a vampire what would I do (I honestly don’t know).

I love the idea that Merits life would have been simple and sad had she remained human, she would never have known that she had the potential for greatness the likes of which she could never have imagined. And Ethan who has spent 400 years never realising that a great love was awaiting him.

No matter what drama the characters encounter ultimately behind it all is a love story!!!

I love Merit she’s a bookish geek turned badass after becoming a vampire and seriously who doesn’t love a good strong minded heroine.

Now let’s talk about the good bits of the book.

·         The man candy in this book is ridiculous, vampires are recruited for their various skills and as such are all serious sex gods in the looks department and in this book there are loads of them!!!!

·         Merit and Ethan, their relationship just gets more sweet and sickly and I love it. He’s the perfect blend of badass and whipped and he just gets more perfect in this book.

·         Jonah, Jonah, Jonah really enough said (swoon).

·         The return of Mallory I love the blue haired wonder and I really enjoyed getting to see a bit more of her in this book.

·         The shifters especially Gabriel and Jeff I love their characters and how much of a Clark Kent Jeff is turning into, mild mannered geek computer guy by day, kickass warrior by night (love it!!!) the day of the shifters is coming and I for one can’t wait.

To be honest there are only a few things that bug me in this book and they are.

·         The GP (the British governing body for vampires) I’m getting a bit sick of them and then turning up to try and kill Ethan and the Cadogan vampires just came out of nowhere for me.

·         I know the series is about the drama but I kind of want them to be able to just have a couple of days without drama.

·         Scott Grey he’s the head of Grey house but he frustrated the hell out of me I think he needs to start kicking some butt and getting on board with the anti GP movement.

·         I miss the Merit/Mallory sarcasm I know they are building bridges and regaining trust in this book but I miss the days of the Darth Sullivan wit.

This whole series makes me feel like a bit of a fan girl, I love it I really do I read the first book and I was completely hooked and I’m soooooo glad that NINE books had been released before I found this series cus it means I can get a massive fix before I have to start waiting for Chloe Neill to release book 10.

Chloe Neill has the evil genius character down to a tee in Mcketrick you just love to hate him. The best thing about these books is you know that the vampires and other sups are going to come out on top and that although the vampire is traditionally see as the bad in the bad vs. good argument in this series the nutter humans are the evil and that’s just makes for a brilliant read.

Ethan the Nordic vampire god is definitely in my top ten book boy crushes, I mean Christ the man is fit blonde buff and immortal (oh yeah!!!). I loved Ethan pre stake the untouchable snob eyebrow raises and everything but I can also embrace the softer squishier side of Ethan post stake.

Chloe Neill is a sarcastic genius, if I’ve said it once I’ve said it a hundred times there are so few authors that can write good sarcasm. Some say it’s the lowest form of wit, maybe so but I say it`s the funniest lol.

Book Nine is next on my TBR list in I can’t wait to get started.

Book Count so far for 2014

Ok so I read too much

Far too much....

I set a challenge in my good reads to read 150 books in 2014 I figured that seemed like loads and it should take me the year to accomplish this total.

So i set about adding all of the books I've read so far this year and the total was................

181 YES 181 and that's only so far.

The conclusion I've come to????

Gemma reads far to many books to be normal lol!!!