Sunday, 21 December 2014

***Release Day Blitz & Review - Beyond by Chantal Fernando - 3 Stars - Out Now***

***Release Day Blitz*** 
Beyond by Chantal Fernando 
Out Now!!!


Olivia Reynolds lives a sheltered life. Daughter of the leader of their small community, she is treated like a princess, never allowed beyond the safety of the walls. When her father decides she must marry, she chooses the man she has secretly lusted after ever since she first laid eyes on him.

Dane Mitchell.

One of her father’s best men, Dane is as lethal is he is attractive, and Olivia is thrilled at the thought of being at his side.

Dane Mitchell doesn’t want to be forced into marriage. He is a soldier, a fighter, and has a bigger purpose in life. He doesn’t have the time to deal with a spoilt pampered princess such as Olivia, but owes his life to Evan, Olivia’s father. He accepts the marriage.

But that doesn’t mean he has to like it.


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My Review
3 It All Happens Too Early On Stars
Beyond is a standalone novel by Chantal Fernando, I’m a massive fan of her books and have read several. I was super excited to receive a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Beyond has a sort of post apocalyptic vibe going on, I’m going to be honest and say that from the blurb I had no idea that the genre was going to be a fantasy/paranormal thing.

I do enjoy fantasy novels it’s just been a while since I read one, so I was bit like ohhhhh this is new!!!!

It took me a while to gauge what era this story was set in as at times it felt almost medieval.

Olivia is not at all how she first appears and in a Zena warrior Princess spin she is beautiful and also capable of killing zombies and kicking ass!!! I loved her snarky attitude and her banter with all of the other men.

Dane, Dane, Dane it doesn’t matter what genre he is in he’s totally swoon worthy!!!! Dane is your atypical ‘Alpha Male’ and god that’s the sexiest thing in the world!!!! In this story he’s a soldier and a bit of a post apocalyptic player lol.

I have a few issues with this book though... it’s only a short book so I assumed it would be the start to a series. Great I love novel series but then it finishes and there’s an epilogue in the distant future that ends it and this becomes a standalone.

I’m just not sure about this book, Dane doesn’t want to marry Olivia until ten pages after he protests and then he’s as happy as a clam and super possessive ‘you are mine’ ‘nobody touches what’s mine’. But then if they are all happy and loved up the rest of the story just sort of felt like filler.

That being said I did still enjoy it and the sex is smoking hot lol. I’m just a bit disappointed, I’m a romance first, action second kind of a girl and although Olivia kicking ass and going on a mission is cool and totally girl power. I was hoping for more about their relationship.

Beyond gets 3 stars from me.



New York Times, Amazon & USA Today Bestselling Author Chantal Fernando is twenty seven years old and lives in Western Australia.

Lover of all things romance, Chantal is the author of the best selling books Dragon's Lair, Maybe This Time and many more.

When not reading, writing or daydreaming she can be found enjoying life with her three sons and family.

Chantal loves to hear from readers and can be found here:

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